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Read, Write, Love at Seaside Page 19

  He wouldn’t have pegged himself as a guy who might enjoy this type of Brady Bunch environment, with the noise and the chaos of lines and crowds hanging out by the snack bar. Now, here with Leanna, he found himself wondering what it might be like to bring his own children there one day. Their children.

  Kurt left his computer in the van and joined the others on the chairs behind the van. Pepper settled in by his feet. It was a dark night with very few stars, and when the enormous movie screen came to life, it lit up the parking lot. The din of the crowds quieted as information about the theater, including emergency exits from the parking lot and a snack bar commercial that must have been shot in the 1960s filled the screen. Leanna’s eyes were wide, and the hint of a smile played across her lips. Jenna, Bella, and Amy sat with popcorn in between them, eyes glued to the previews. The brisk night air carried the scent of popcorn, and every now and again a parent could be heard shushing their child. Kurt probably would have gone forever without seeing a drive-in movie, and it would have been a shame. This…Being with friends and family, coming together without a computer or the Internet, but in real life, in real time…This was more meaningful than the extra hours he’d spent on his manuscript throughout the years. Leanna had opened another door to the world for him. There were probably a hundred things he had scoffed at over the years that, with Leanna, he might see differently, and he couldn’t wait to try them all.

  Disney’s Frozen was playing, and by the middle of the movie, Leanna had moved her blankets in front of Kurt’s chair and built herself a comforter platform so she could sit between his legs and lean back against his chest.

  And he loved it.

  The coconut and berry scent of her shampoo—which he now knew was Aussie Aussome Volume and came in a purple bottle—and the feel of her body pressed against him in a relaxed, completely content manner, was something he’d never forget.

  He remembered the picture for Siena and pulled his phone from his pocket.

  “Do you mind if I take a picture for my sister?”

  Leanna climbed right up on his lap. “Bella,” she whispered, then waved her closer. “Take our picture on his phone?”

  Bella wore a sweatshirt that looked two sizes too big along with a pair of jeans. Her hair fell thick and wild around her face. She squinted as she lined up the picture. “Okay, smile.”

  Leanna quickly planted a kiss on Kurt’s cheek.

  “Perfect!” Bella laughed.

  “Sneak,” he teased.

  Jenna and Amy ran behind Kurt’s chair and crouched.

  “Take another,” Jenna hollered.

  “Shh,” Amy chided her.

  Bella snapped a few more pictures.

  “Want me to take one with all of you?” the man to their left asked.

  Bella handed him Kurt’s phone. “Yes, please.” Then she crouched beside Leanna, and the stranger took a few more pictures.

  “Thank you.” Bella retrieved the phone, and the girls giggled at the pictures.

  In each picture, except for the one with Leanna’s surprise kiss, Kurt was caught looking at Leanna, and even he could see the love in his eyes.

  I’m a goner.

  Bella and the girls texted the picture from his phone to each of theirs, and eventually the phone ended up back in his hand. He texted a few pictures to Siena.

  “I love you,” he whispered to Leanna.

  “I saw it in the pictures.” She caressed his cheek, and he leaned in to her palm. “Besides, you must to put up with my friends.”

  She curled up on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, then rested her cheek on his shoulder.

  “I could stay like this forever.”

  Forever sounded pretty darn good to him.

  THEY RETURNED TO the cottage after midnight, and Kurt wondered how he was supposed to accept this night as their last night together until Monday. He wanted to wrap himself around Leanna and remain there until, by some act of magic, it was Monday and the days they were apart had passed.

  Leanna came out of the bathroom wearing a black lace cami and matching panties. Her hair was mussed, sexily framing her beautiful face.

  “That movie was really kind of disturbing,” Leanna said as she climbed onto the bed beside him. “The idea of those little girls and all the children before them being abducted. It’s terrifying.”

  He reached for her. “It is disturbing, but it was a movie, babe. It was supposed to be scary.”

  She traced a vein on the back of his hand. “Do you ever think about having kids?”

  “Until I met you, I’d never met a woman I’d want to live with, much less have children with. But yeah, I do want a family. What about you?” Kurt was surprised that he didn’t break out into a cold sweat at the mention of having children. Wasn’t that what guys were supposed to do when their girlfriends mentioned having children or settling down?

  She shrugged and began drawing circles on her thigh.

  He wanted to draw circles on her thigh. With his tongue.

  “I’ve never really thought about it in terms of when or how many, but I do want to have children someday.” She looked up at him then, the edges of her lips barely curved and her eyes sleepily seductive. “The thought of keeping them safe is a little frightening, isn’t it?”

  He pulled her close, and she ran her fingers over his bare stomach. “If I ran from things that were terrifying, I’d never have become a writer, and I might never have allowed myself to go out with you.”

  “I’m frightening?”

  He kissed her forehead. “No, babe. You’re perfect. The thought of anything coming between me and my writing was what terrified me. But you’ve made me realize that there’s a lot more to life than being the best thriller writer. And with you, I feel like I can enjoy both. You defied the terror, and if you want children someday, then we won’t let fear hold us back there, either.”

  “You know, I came to the Cape expecting to have a fun summer and maybe find a career, but I never expected to find you. Us.”

  Kurt slid the lacy strap of her cami off of her sun-bronzed shoulder and kissed her silky skin.

  “I expected to finish a book in complete solitude.” He slid the lacy strap from her other shoulder. “I never expected to find you.” He kissed her neck. “Or us.” He kissed the tender skin just below her collarbone. “And now…” He held the edge of her cami between his finger and thumb and planted a trail of kisses across her collarbone. “I can’t imagine going a day without you.”

  Leanna’s breath hitched, and he slid his arm around her back, drawing her body closer, her lips a breath away. Her hazel eyes narrowed, full of anticipation; his body ached with impatience. He kissed her lightly. Her tender, warm lips pressed against his; her tongue moved slowly, searching, wanting. He could feel how much she wanted him in her touch, in the cadence of her breath. He sensed her need, and even stronger, he felt his own need growing in his heart. He held back, relishing in the desire that drew them closer and made his muscles cord tight. She kissed him harder, urgently seeking his reciprocation. He wanted to please her so badly he ached—but he held back. Kurt’s heart pounded inside his chest as he lowered her to the bed beneath him. Her fingers grazed his jawline; then she cupped the back of his head and deepened their kiss. After tonight they had three nights without each other. Seventy-two hours of remembering their last night together. Kurt intended to give Leanna a night she’d never forget.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  THURSDAY MORNING FOUND them, despite Leanna’s wishes for a few more days with Kurt. She held Pepper’s leash so tightly that her fingernails made moon-shaped crescents in her skin as she watched Kurt put his bags in the trunk of his car. She thought she’d prepared herself for his leaving. They were going to be apart for only a few days, and she hadn’t even known him a month ago. She should be fine.

  She was nowhere near fine.

  Lonesomeness coiled low in her belly, and her heart ached for him. She memorized the sound of his voice, the s
mell of him. She missed his touch, and he wasn’t even gone yet.

  Kurt closed the trunk and hugged her for the millionth time that morning. “You’re going to do great. Daisy Chain’s execs will love your products, and they’ll love you, and…And I love you.” He kissed her softly. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

  “I’m…” Oh no, really? Don’t cry. Please don’t cry. She swallowed past the lump in her throat that had choked her voice. “I’m going to miss you, too. I’ll call as soon as the meeting’s over and let you know how it goes. Oh wait. I can’t. You’ll be at Jack’s wedding. You should call me when you’re done. When is the wedding? What time?” She ran her finger in circles along the door of his car as she spoke.

  He pulled her close again and brought her hand to his lips, kissed it, then held it tightly in his. “Babe, take a breath.”

  She did. A deep one.

  And then another.

  Nope. Her throat still wanted to close, and those stupid tears still wanted to fall.

  “The wedding is Friday at ten, and I’ll text as soon as I can break away. Then you can call when you’re free. But today’s only Thursday, so I assume we’ll talk tonight once I’m in and settled, right?”

  She nodded, still untrusting of her voice.

  Bella, Amy, and Jenna walked out of Amy’s cottage and joined them with solemn faces.

  “Aw. It’s so sad to see lovebirds part.” Amy pulled at the hem of her sundress.

  Leanna nodded.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll take care of her,” Amy continued. “We’re all leaving Sunday, so you’ll only have one night to be sad, Leanna, and Tony’s here, so you can cry on his shoulder.”

  Kurt shot a curious look at Leanna.

  “Don’t worry. They’re just friends,” Jenna said as she patted Kurt’s arm. “Unfortunately, Tony would never fool around with a woman he’s known as long as he’s known us.”

  “Or with a woman who lives so close. Trust me. I’ve tried.” Amy’s cheeks flushed pink.

  “You have?” Leanna’s eyes widened.

  “Once. Remember that night we each drank a bottle of Skinnygirl margaritas?” Amy crossed her arms. “I wasn’t exactly at my best that night. Or the next morning.”

  The memory of the morning after came back to Leanna, and she almost smiled, save for the sadness that gripped her emotions and tugged her smile back into a frown. “I remember.”

  Kurt squeezed Leanna’s hand. “I want to grab some ice water. I’ll be right back out. You ladies hug or reminisce about making moves on Tony, or whatever.” He smiled at Amy.

  Leanna watched him walk away in his jeans and white linen, button-down shirt hanging perfectly from his broad shoulders—the shoulders she’d clawed at so desperately the night before that she’d left scratches on his tanned skin.

  Bella brushed against her shoulder. “Forget to close the windows last night?”

  Leanna’s eyes widened. Her hand flew to her mouth. “No. Oh my gosh! Shoot.” She spun around and saw Tony’s curtains blowing in the breeze inside his cottage. “Oh no, you guys!”

  Jenna stifled a laugh. “Remind me to put a lock on the outside of your windows, and when we see Kurt’s car in the driveway, the girls and I will be on mission control.” She winked. “We’ll have your back.”

  Leanna covered her face. “That’s great, but. Oh. My. Gosh. You know Tony heard us.” She dropped her hands and searched her friends’ amused faces. “Did you guys hear us?”

  They shared a knowing glance.

  “Everything?” Leanna asked with a thin voice.

  Bella laughed. “Well, not everything. He must whisper or something, because we couldn’t make out anything he said.”

  Leanna shook her head. “You were actually eavesdropping?”

  “No!” The smile on Bella’s lips betrayed her. “I was bringing ice cream to Jenna because she had a freak-out over a rock being out of place or something—”

  “It was sand all over my floor.” Jenna tucked her hair behind her ear. “I couldn’t get it clean no matter how hard I tried. It was sticking to my feet.”

  Bella rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Anyway, we really just heard something like, Oh Kurt. Oh…My…Go—”

  Kurt joined them with a wide smile. “Did I hear my name?”

  “No!” they all said in unison.

  Leanna’s throat tightened again, and she pushed past the embarrassment. “So you’re sure that guy will take your car back to your cottage and everything? I can do it for you.”

  “No. Don’t be silly. I wouldn’t waste your time on that. Besides, Savannah’s brother Treat hooked me up with Smitty, his caretaker, a few months ago. He and his wife are wonderful, and they’ll take care of it. Enjoy your time with the girls, and…” He glanced down at Pepper, panting happily at his feet. He crouched and picked up Pepper, who made quick work of licking his cheeks. “And Pep.”

  He pulled Leanna close and kissed her again. “I love you, and I’m so proud of you for what you’ve already accomplished. Enjoy the next few days.”

  Leanna nodded, concentrating on keeping the tears burning her eyes at bay.

  Kurt set Pepper down and embraced Leanna again. “I wish I wasn’t leaving.” He embraced Bella. “I’m so glad Leanna has you guys here with her.”

  “So are we,” Amy said.

  He hugged Amy. “Don’t worry. You’ll find your own Tony.”

  Then he moved to Jenna, who opened her arms wide and grinned. “I have been waiting to have this man against my body since Leanna first brought him home.” She laughed.

  Kurt shook his head and squeezed her tight. “Not so thrilling, is it?”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that,” Jenna teased.

  Amy swatted her.

  He hugged Leanna again. “Don’t cry, babe. It’s only a few days, and we can do a few days. We can do anything knowing we’ll be together at the end of it.”

  Ten minutes later, Leanna watched him drive away, and a single tear escaped down her cheek. She felt Bella’s arm across her shoulder, then Jenna’s around her back. Amy opened her arms and walked toward her. The group hug was exactly what she needed. If only it could last until Monday.

  “Come on. You can tell us all about the oh my gosh moment.” Bella took her hand and led her inside the cottage.

  “I’ll do no such thing, but…oh my gosh. That’s all I’m saying.” Pepper ran into the bedroom before Leanna could take his leash off, and she went after him. She stopped cold at the sight of a Shop Therapy bag in the center of her bed. She found a card inside with a picture of a big red heart on the front and pressed it to her chest.

  “Hey, do you have any—” Amy came to her side. “Aw. He left you a card? What does it say?”

  Bella and Jenna joined them in the bedroom.

  Leanna eyed them, wondering if she needed privacy, in case he’d written something intimate inside the card.

  “Open it,” Jenna urged. She reached for the bag, and Leanna snagged it.

  She’d never have privacy with her friends around, and that was okay. She needed them more than she needed privacy.

  “One sec.” She opened the card close to her chest and read the handwritten note.

  My sweet, smart, not at all awkward Leanna,

  I didn’t realize that leaving you for a few days would mean leaving my heart behind, but apparently it is now tied so closely to yours (and Pepper’s) that it refused to come with me. Keep it safe and warm until we’re together again.

  I love you,


  PS: Don’t be nervous about Daisy Chain. You’re perfect in every way, and if they don’t see that as clearly as I do, then they don’t deserve your Sweet Treats. I hope you feel as beautiful and confident in the dress as I know you’ll look. Xox

  Dress? She reached into the bag.

  “What did the card say?” Bella took it from Leanna’s fingertips and read it aloud.

  “Aw, that is so sweet.” Amy’s hand covered her heart.<
br />
  Leanna held up the aqua tie-dyed dress she’d admired while they were in Provincetown. “I can’t believe he bought it. When did he even have time?”

  “That is wicked cute!” Jenna rubbed the cotton between her fingers and thumb.

  “When he told you he was writing, I bet,” Bella said. “That man. Mm-mm-mm. He is something, Leanna.”

  Clutching the dress to her chest, she glanced at the bed, then the card, then Pepper. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  IT WAS ALMOST nine when Kurt finally arrived at the Braden’s house in Weston, Colorado. Savannah’s older brothers Treat and Rex had made arrangements for Kurt’s family to stay near her father’s ranch. Earlier in the day he’d confirmed with Blue that the renovations were progressing well, and he’d received several texts from Siena confirming his arrival time throughout the day, as if the plane might suddenly divert and take him to Timbuktu.

  He sat in the rented Lexus in the driveway and pulled out his cell phone. He and Leanna had texted throughout the afternoon, and she’d sent him a picture of her wearing the dress he’d bought her. He pulled it up before calling her. The aqua color and her wide smile lit up the screen. The scooped neckline exposed a sexy path of tanned skin, and the dress fit perfectly over her curves—not too tight, not too loose—and ended midthigh. Luscious Leanna. She sure was, and he missed her so much his heart ached.

  He pressed her speed-dial number, and she answered on the first ring.

  “FaceTime. FaceTime,” she said excitedly.

  He laughed and pushed the FaceTime icon. Her beautiful smiling lips and hazel eyes filled the screen.

  “There you are,” he said.

  “We all are. Look.” She turned the phone, and on the screen he saw Bella, Jenna, and Amy waving. He could hear their laughter as if he were there with them.

  He wished he were.

  “This is Tony,” Leanna said as she moved the phone toward a handsome man’s face that filled the screen.

  Kurt took stock of him in three seconds flat. Wide smile, dark tan, longish, sun-streaked, brownish blond hair that fell almost to his eyes, broad shoulders, and eyes that didn’t hold a threat. Kurt had never been a jealous man. He assumed that not having a steady girlfriend helped in that regard. Despite the lack of threat in Tony’s eyes, his gut clenched.