Read, Write, Love at Seaside Read online

Page 16

  “Someone had to.” Jenna poured a wine cooler into her plastic cup.

  “I made one, too.” Leanna pulled up her list, and the girls looked over her shoulder while she put a slash through the items she’d already taken care of.

  Figure out where I want to live in the fall! Cape? New York/Cape Cod!

  Kurt? Definitely!

  Product list

  Ingredient list

  Delivery timetable

  Backup generator? Cost? Facility cost? Share space? Check out bakeries?

  Talk to an attorney about contracts and insurance liabilities


  “New York and Cape Cod?” Before Leanna could answer, Bella screamed. “New York and Cape Cod? Oh my gosh. You and Kurt? Leanna!”

  Jenna and Amy shrieked, and they wrapped her into a group hug.

  “I was just about to tell you.” She couldn’t stop herself from smiling. “I’m moving in with Kurt after the summer.”

  Jenna and Amy squealed again.

  “Oh my goodness. You’re really moving to New York? With Kurt?” Bella held Leanna’s forearm. “You and Kurt Remington? That gorgeous creature who looks at you like you were dropped from the clouds just for him? Holy moly, Leanna. I thought you were the unlucky Seaside girl!” She wrapped her arms around Leanna again and squeezed so tightly that Leanna had to push free just to breathe.

  “I know.” Leanna shook her head. “I can’t believe it either. I know it’s crazy fast, but it feels so right! I feel like even if everything fell apart tomorrow, as long as we were together, everything would still be perfect.”

  “I want that.” Amy leaned across the table. “Please tell me he knows about your penchant for laundry piles.”

  Leanna laughed. “I haven’t hidden a thing. I’m sure we’ll both have to make concessions. I mean, he’s already accepted Pepper. He wouldn’t even smile at him when we first met, and I can’t believe he’s taking time away from his writing for us. But he is, and he says it’s what he wants.” She took a sip of her wine cooler. “Maybe my luck is changing. Speaking of which, if we don’t get to work, we’ll be at it all night.”

  “From what I’ve heard, you’re good at going at it all night.” Bella raised her cup. “To Leanna and Kurt.”

  They all clinked glasses. Not for the first time, and certainly not for the last, Leanna silently thanked heaven that she had Bella, Amy, and Jenna in her life. When she thought of the people who would always be there for her, they were the only ones who came to mind. She never thought anyone else outside of her family could measure up to the safety and love that her friends gave her unconditionally, and now that she’d met and fallen in love with Kurt, she knew just how wrong she’d been. And how lucky she was.

  “Wait. Are you getting married or just living in sinful pleasure?” Amy asked.

  “Marriage? Sinful pleasure, thank you very much.” Marriage? She had trouble moving past the idea, but she pushed herself to focus. “Can you believe it? I’m so excited that I can barely stand it.”

  “Lea, you’ll live close to me! We can get together during the year. New York and Connecticut aren’t far apart.” Bella hugged her again.

  “I know. The whole thing has my heart going crazy. He has my heart going crazy.”

  “That’s what love is,” Amy said as she patted Leanna’s hand. “Enjoy every second of it, so we can envy you.”

  “Oh, I plan to.” Leanna let out a loud breath. “Okay, we need to focus because I can talk about Kurt all night. Come on. Let’s get Sweet Treats off the ground so I’m not a moocher, too.” She pointed to the list on her computer. “Jenna, I put together the product and ingredient lists. Can you make them organized and presentable? I really stink at that.”

  Jenna saluted. “Aye, aye, Captain. I’ve got this.”

  “Bella, I know nothing about brochures or anything like that. Maybe we can work together to figure out something?” Leanna took an elastic hairband from her wrist and put her hair up in a ponytail. “That’s better. It was a little warm.”

  “I was looking at facilities, and they’re really expensive, Leanna.” Amy pulled up a website on her computer. “I was thinking that you could just sublet someplace for a few months, or work from your cottage, and if you need a backup power source, I looked into a few generators. Your place is so small that you wouldn’t need much. It might run you a couple grand, but at least you wouldn’t be locked into a lease.”

  “I was actually thinking along the same lines. If I’ll be in New York in the fall, then I don’t really need another facility. I can work from the cottage in the summer and find a place in New York in the fall if I have to. We don’t lose power in the summers. Ever.” She sat back and blew out a breath. “Do you guys think I’m nuts? I mean, I want this to work so badly. I love what I’m doing, and next summer I’ll do the flea market in Dennis, too, which is during the week, so that works out perfectly.”

  “Next year you won’t need to make jam.” Jenna looked up from her keyboard as she typed. “You’ll be married to a wealthy writer.”

  “Married?” Married! “I’m not getting married, but even if I were, I’d still want to make jam for as long as I’m enjoying it. I can’t sit around and do nothing.” She shot a look at Jenna. “Married?”

  “Probably. Don’t you think?” Amy nodded in agreement. “Jenna said every article she read about Kurt mentioned how important family was to him.”

  “That’s right.” Jenna drank her wine cooler. “The article on the Huff Post said that he and his family get together every month for family dinners. I think that’s so sweet. I mean really, how many attractive, single guys make time like that for their family?”

  “None that I know. I guess it’s a good thing Leanna’s going to move in with him. It would probably be hard to get him to move away from his family if they’re that close. And then you have the whole, is he a mama’s boy thing to worry about.” Bella stared intently at her laptop. “I’m working on a great logo idea for you.”

  “Thanks, Bella.” Leanna ran her finger in circles on the table. “Should I worry that he’s a mama’s boy? I mean, I don’t know his family, but he sure doesn’t seem like one.”

  “There’s one sure test.” Bella met Leanna’s gaze. “Mama’s boys have sex one way. Missionary, in a bed. That’s it. At least that’s been my experience.”

  Amy went into the cottage and came back out with a bag of pretzels. “You know, I think you might be right about missionary-style sex and mama’s boys. Even nice guys like to taste the fruits of our loins once in a while, but mama’s boys…”

  Leanna burst out laughing. “Fruits of our loins?”

  “You know what I mean. Mama’s boys don’t do that. They’re all repressed and afraid their mothers will tell them they’re being dirty.” Amy leaned in close. “So, is he a mama’s boy?”

  “No! Geez. He’s anything but a mama’s boy by your standards.”

  “Ha! You owe me ten bucks.” Bella held out her hand.

  “You bet on him?” Leanna ran her eyes between Amy and Bella.

  “Not me. I pegged him as a down-and-dirty boy under the sheets,” Jenna said as she primly tucked her hair behind her ear.

  Bella raised her hand. “Me too. Total alpha in the bedroom was my guess.”

  “That’s not fair.” Amy crossed her arms over her chest. “I didn’t say he was a mama’s boy. I said he seemed refined and that guys who were refined weren’t as adventurous as other guys.”

  “Well, my dear Amy, you’re sorely mistaken. I happen to have an adventurous, refined, alpha hottie who doesn’t mind that my rhythm is off or that I have piles of clothes on the floor and can’t clean to save my life. And you know what?” She finished her wine cooler. “I have no idea what he sees in me. I’m so flaky and he’s so not.”

  “You are not flaky. You love life. You don’t settle for things that don’t make you happy, but you’re definitely not flaky.” Amy handed Leanna a pretzel. “Eat a pretzel an
d let’s get this stuff done. He knows he’s lucky to be with you, as he should.”

  Leanna put her head on Amy’s shoulder. “See why I love you guys? You’ll totally lie to me when I need you to.”

  They spent the next few hours hammering out product and ingredient lists, brochures and order forms, and Amy even came up with an outline for a delivery schedule. Amy also offered to go with her to the print shop as soon as Leanna had finalized all of the documents.

  “Thank you. I want to go over everything with Kurt, too. He might have some ideas. Bella, this logo is perfect. How did you come up with the idea for the grapevine interlaced with the Sweet Treats? I love how you put Luscious Leanna’s arched over it, too. It’s simple and elegant.”

  “I’m glad you like it. It just came to me as we were talking.” Bella pointed to a few other examples she came up with.

  “I love the first one. It’s clever and clean, and with Luscious Leanna’s in the title, it’s sexy, too, and sexy sells.” Jenna stood and stretched, wiggling as she tugged at the bottom of her shorts. “Are you guys hungry? Want to go out for pizza?”

  “Starved. I’m not sure when Kurt is going to be here, and I don’t have his phone number. Not that I know where my phone is.” Where is that stupid thing? “Why don’t I drive over just to touch base with him and then I can meet you guys? Where are we going?”

  “Let’s take one car. We’ll stop by Kurt’s—unless you plan on dragging his butt into bed, in which case we’ll take two cars. I can drive,” Bella offered.

  “I’m not dragging his butt into bed. Geez, Bella. I’ve had more sex in the past week than I’ve had in the past two years.” Leanna grabbed a sweatshirt from in the house and leashed Pepper. “Grab your sweatshirts and we can all meet at Bella’s in a few minutes.”

  Bella drove to Kurt’s house, and when she pulled up in the driveway, they all got out with Leanna.

  “Are you kidding me?” Bella whispered. “This is gorgeous.”

  “I’m never leaving,” Jenna said as she headed up to the front door.

  Leanna followed Pepper down the path toward the back of the house. “Come on, you guys. He’ll be out on the deck writing.”

  They found Kurt on the deck, shirtless and writing, with an empty coffee cup beside his computer. Pepper made a beeline for him.

  “Hey, Pep.” Kurt’s eyes remained trained on the computer, and his fingers never stopped typing.

  “If it isn’t the Seaside girls. Did you all miss me?”

  “How did you know we call ourselves that? I missed you something awful.” Leanna bent to kiss his cheek. He turned into the kiss and met her lips with his own.

  “I didn’t know, but the name fit. I’ve missed you, too. You look adorable.” He tugged on the bottom of her sweatshirt.

  “Thanks. We’re heading out for pizza, and I wanted to see when you thought you might be done.” It was breezier by the ocean than it was inland. The sound of the waves was soothing, and Pepper claimed his place by Kurt’s feet.

  “I’ve got another few hours, I think.” Kurt stopped typing and smiled at Leanna. “I’m sorry, but this deadline is coming up so fast. I didn’t realize it was due in less than two weeks. I really need to put in a few hours. Go have fun. If it gets too late, I’ll just stay here.”

  “No, you don’t need to do that. I don’t mind if you come over late.” She couldn’t even imagine sleeping without him.

  “Hey, Kurt, what’s that building over by the trees?” Bella asked.

  “A studio. This was an artist’s home before I bought it, and that’s where he worked.” He ran his hand through his hair, then pulled Leanna down on his lap and lowered his voice. “I might be writing until eleven or so. Are you sure you still want me to come by?”

  “Absolutely. That’s not late. I thought you meant, like, two in the morning.”

  “Sometimes I write that late, but I’ve had a great writing day. I shouldn’t need more than a few more hours.”

  “Why don’t you write in the studio?” Bella zipped up her sweatshirt.

  “I prefer to write outside. I find the fresh air and the sounds of the water inspiring.” He kissed Leanna’s cheek. “You inspire me, too. I came up with a great idea for a villain for my next book. She’s a free spirit.”

  “You did that? I’ve been so wrapped up in figuring out my life that I haven’t even had time to ask for details on what you’re writing. I’m sorry.” She traced a circle on his chest. “You know I don’t like thrillers, or anything creepy like that, but if you want me to, I’ll read one of your books. I do care about what you do. I hope you know that.”

  “You’re patterning a villain after Leanna?” Amy sat down at the table. “She’s the sweetest person I know. She could never be a villain.”

  “I’m just borrowing a few traits of hers. It’s not really her.” He brushed Leanna’s hair from her shoulder. “You don’t have to read them. I don’t want anything to steal your happiness. Not even for a second.”

  “You two are too cute.” Bella leaned against the railing and sighed.

  “Hey, Leanna,” Jenna called from the bottom of the stairs.


  “I found your phone.” She ascended the stairs and handed Leanna her sandy phone.

  “Oh my gosh. It must have fallen from my pocket when you carried me to the deck that first night we met.” She laughed and pushed the power button.

  “It’s not going to work. You were in the water for quite some time.” Kurt ran his hand up her calf.

  “My brother Colby is a Navy SEAL, and when he found out I was coming to the Cape for the summer, he sent me a LifeProof case for my iPhone.” She turned the screen with the illuminated apple toward Kurt. “See? It still works.”

  “That’s crazy, and really good to know for my villains and victims. I’ll have to remember that.”

  Leanna jumped off his lap. “I guess we’ll go eat, but before I forget, want to swap phone numbers? That way I don’t have to show up and use your writing time. We can text or call.”

  Kurt picked up his phone and handed it to her. “Have at it.”

  Bella crossed her arms. “You’re just going to let her rifle through your phone?”

  “If she wants to rifle, why not?” He rubbed the goose bumps on her legs. “I have nothing to hide.”

  “Old girlfriend’s numbers? 1-900 phone calls? Come on. Every guy has something to hide.” Bella rolled her eyes.

  “Maybe you’re hanging out with the wrong guys.” Kurt laughed. “I have a few women’s numbers, but she won’t find any recent calls to them—besides my sister—and I’ve never called a 900 number. Maybe I’m missing out.” He squeezed Leanna’s thigh.

  She handed him back his phone. “Here. I put my phone number in and called my phone from yours, so I have yours, too.” She glared at Bella. “And I didn’t snoop. Geez, Bella. Trust much?” She kissed him goodbye, then stopped at the top of the stairs. “I almost forgot to tell you; the meeting with Daisy Chain is rescheduled for the twenty-eighth.”

  “The twenty-eighth?” Kurt’s voice became serious. “That’s Jack’s wedding.”

  “Oh no, really?” Shootshootshoot. “He’s getting married on a Friday?”

  “Yeah. It was the only day everyone could make it. Savannah’s brother is a fashion designer, and he has to be in Paris by Sunday.”

  “Daisy Chain said the twenty-eighth was the only day their executive staff was free over the next few weeks. I guess I can reschedule again for a few weeks out.”

  “No. Don’t be silly. This is what you’ve been waiting for.”

  “We’ll wait in the car.” Bella and the others left them alone.

  Leanna took Kurt’s hand. “I’m so sorry. We never talked specific dates, and I didn’t think twice about accepting. I can change the meeting. Really, it’s okay.”

  “No way. You want to start out on a good foot with them. I’ll miss you being there, and I was hoping that you’d meet my family, but w
e’ll have plenty of time for that. I haven’t made your flight arrangements yet, so I’ll just make them from the Cape to New York. It’s an easier flight than going out to Colorado anyway.”

  “I’m sorry, Kurt.”

  “Listen, babe. What would life be without the need for revisions here and there? We’re fine.”

  He held her gaze, and even though she knew he was right, it didn’t ease the awful tightening in her stomach.

  “This is a great opportunity for you, and you’ve been excited about it. I wouldn’t steal that from you, Leanna. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be waiting in New York when you get there.”

  “You’re so good to me.”

  “You’re so good to me,” he said with a smile. “My flight takes me back to New York after the wedding. I have a meeting with my agent the following Monday. When do you want to come out?”

  She shrugged. “Right after the meeting. Oh, wait. I have to close up the cottage and make all the arrangements for my mail. Gosh, I can’t fly. What were we thinking? I have my van, so I’ll drive to New York. It’s only a few hours. When do you land back in New York?”

  “Sunday night.” He kissed the back of her hand. “Listen. Go have fun with your friends, and don’t stress over this. We’ll be fine, and I’m confident that we can handle anything. I’m so proud of you. This could put you exactly where you want to be with your business.” He squeezed her hand. “What’s a few days?”

  Oh, not much. They’ll only feel like a lifetime. “Okay, but I really am sorry.” She reached for Pepper’s leash.

  “You can leave him with me if you want.”

  “But you need to write.”

  Kurt glanced under the table. “I think he’s pretty used to my schedule. We’re okay. Have fun with the girls. Enjoy a leashless night.”

  Leanna threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. “How on earth did I get so lucky?”

  “It was all part of Pepper’s big plan. He scoped me out on the deck and then pretended to drown. I didn’t stand a chance.”

  She’d never been more thankful for Pepper.